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1996 Resolutions

Year: 1996     Category: Communities and Resources    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Community Forests

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs bring forward the necessary legislation to incorporate provisions in the Municipal Act to accommodate local Government participation in Community Forest ventures, provided acceptable standards are included to protect the interests of the electorate.

Year: 1996     Category: Communities and Resources    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Visual Quality Objectives (Logging Viewscapes)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that “Visual Quality Objectives” be reviewed in the resource management guidelines.

Referred to the AVIM Community and Resources Sub-Committee.

Year: 1996     Category: Communities and Resources    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Fisheries – Genetic Diversity and Hatchery Operations

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities to undertake initiatives to ensure the preservation of enhancement of fish habitat in presently and potentially productive small streams;

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that AVIM oppose the federal government plans to eliminate the funding under the Salmon Enhancement Program to fish hatcheries in British Columbia.

Year: 1996     Category: Communities and Resources    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Fish Hatchery Closures

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities protest the Department of Fisheries and Oceans proposed plan to shut down fish hatcheries along the B.C. Coast

Year: 1996     Category: Communities and Resources    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Coastal Communities Fisheries

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities advise the Department of Fisheries and Oceans that they must recognize that coastal communities are stakeholders in the fisheries industry and as such must be included in the management and planning process and that the following recommendations be presented to that Department:

a)    incorporate coastal communities’ investment in fishery related on-shore infrastructure and their priority for sustaining its employment bases in fish processing and related services as a part of management planning and processes.

b)    allow regional management boards to enter into joint management agreements for the day-to-day management of fisheries resources.

c)    prior to the adoption of any revisions to the Fisheries Act that the Standing Committee review the revisions to the Act must come to the West Coast to receive input from our coastal communities.

Year: 1996     Category: Communities and Resources    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Coastal Fisheries Resources

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities petition both the Premier of British Columbia and the Prime Minister of Canada to have their respective governments take whatever further action required to halt the decline in our fisheries resources and to begin the process of remediation and rebuilding of the fisheries stocks and habitat throughout coastal British Columbia.

Year: 1996     Category: Communities and Resources    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Forest Tenure Review

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities request the Ministry of Forests to undertake a Tenure Review Process to examine all aspects of the issue.

Year: 1996     Category: Communities and Resources    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Bid Proposal Sales – Small Business Forest Enterprise Program

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the evaluation process for Section 16.1 Bid Proposal Sales under the Small Business Forest Enterprise Program be amended to:

a)    give greater weight to local employment and economic considerations.
b)    provide for smaller annual cut levels, starting at 5,000 cubic meters per year.
c)    provide for the establishment of a local log market that supports wood manufacturing and value added activities in the region where the forest resources are located.

Referred to the AVIM Executive

Year: 1996     Category: Justice    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Sexual Offenders Registry

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia immediately enact a Sexual Offenders Registry designated to inform councils regional district boards and school boards, through the RCMP or local police about the presence in the community of a convicted sexual offender.

Referred to the AVIM Executive

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Cancellation of New Victoria Youth Custody Center

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be strongly urged to proceed with replacement of the Victoria Youth Custody Center forthwith.

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Devolution of Harbors/Ports

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities petition the Federal Government to immediately defer any decisions until there has been adequate consultation with local governments.

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: REFERRED
Resolution: Municipal Legal Advice

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM hire on retainer, to be determined by blind tender, a group of lawyers to provide municipal advice, bylaws and material and provide this material and advice as a part of the package of services supplied by the UBCM to its members.

Referred to the AVIM Executive

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Hospice/Palliative Care Program Funding

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of B.C. Municipalities request the provincial government to provide adequate funding to ensure that hospice/palliative care is available in all communities.

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Postal Service

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Regional District of Comox-Strathcona write to the Chairman of this review, expressing dissatisfaction with the procedure of public hearings and requesting more extensive community dialogue and that the matter be brought before the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities Annual General Meeting

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Canadian Unity

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the council of the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and other means initiate direct contact with municipalities of the province of Quebec with overtures of friendship and an invitation to visit our community and that possibilities for exchange be pursued for exchange visits of teams of community leaders between British Columbia and Quebec and that a committee be established to explore ways in which we can support and encourage community initiatives related to keeping Canada united:

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities support and encourage local, provincial and federal initiatives designed to keep Canada united.

Endorsed in Principle and Referred to the AVIM Executive

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Provincial Funding of RCMP

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities request that the provincial government provide sufficient funding to maintain a needed level of policing for the rural areas throughout the province.

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Liability for Regional District Services

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities request that section 820.1 (3) Municipal Act be amended to apportion the amount to satisfy a claim only to those areas in a Regional District which are participants in the service to which the claim relates by eliminating the words “… except where the action arose from the negligence of the board, its agents or servants, the amount shall be apportioned in the same manner as that set out in section 808 (3).

Referred to the AVIM Executive

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Development Permit Powers for Single Family, High Density Projects

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities be requested to make the appropriate representations to the provincial government to secure amendment to the Municipal Act, to include single family development at densities equal to or greater than 30 units per hectare in Section 945(4)(e) of Division (1) of Part 29 of the Municipal Act.

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: NOT Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Unity Day

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that October 30, 1996 be declared Unity Day across Canada and as a part of that day, individual municipalities and regional districts across Canada recognize and celebrate this affirmation of the value of this confederation by raising the flag of the province of Quebec or in any other manner that they deem appropriate.

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Provincial Highway Patrol

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Provincial Government address this inequity by means such as assuming full responsibility to provide Highway Patrol or fairly funding the portion of local police costs to provide this service on provincial highways.

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Vancouver Island Recreational Corridor

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities indicate their support in principle by requesting the Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks, the Ministry of Forests and B.C. Forest Renewal consider assisting with the establishment of this Recreation Corridor, for the benefit of all.

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Expansion of Provincial Travel Assistance Program

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Health start a study to be done by the Regional Health Boards to determine the extent of this problem and bring forth recommendations for inclusion in the overall Travel Assistance Program.

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: Endorsed by AVIM
Resolution: Rights and Ownership – Canadian Inside Passage

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities support most strongly the protection of Canadian rights and ownership in the Inside Passage and that the Premier and Prime Minister be so advised promptly.

Year: 1996     Category: Selected Issues    Status: REFERRED
Resolution: B.C. Telephone Job Cuts

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities, on behalf of its communities, correspond with the CRTC, Chief Executive Officers of B.C. Telephone, Members of Parliament and MLA’s denouncing these job cuts.

Referred to the AVIM Executive

The AVICC acknowledges that we are grateful to live, work, and play on the traditional territories of the 
Coast Salish, Nuu-Chah-Nulth and Kwak-Waka’wakw Peoples