2004 Resolutions

Year: 2004 Category: Health Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Provincial Funding Of Health Facilities

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AVICC urge the Province of BC to reinstate its historic share of major capital projects and offsetting operating cost increases to the Vancouver Island Health Authority.

Year: 2004 Category: Funding For Affiliated Care Homes Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Funding For Affiliated Care Homes


  • the provincial government ensure that health authorities are required to provide equal financial treatment to all residential care homes in their jurisdiction, whether run by the health authority or by an affiliated organization; and
  • the provincial government be called upon to provide guidelines for the standards for levels of care for residential care homes and detail the compensation which will be paid for providing such care; and
  • the provincial government be called upon to explain its current funding regime and allocation of funding to affiliated residential care homes.

Year: 2004 Category: Finance Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Exemption From Provincial Sales Tax

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the government of the province of British Columbia supplement this federal initiative by rebating to municipal governments the province in its entirety the Provincial Sales Tax;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such a rebate should be regarded as additional revenue for municipal governments and should not result in any reduction of grants in lieu or any other monies presently directed from the provincial government to municipal governments, nor should such rebate be seen as an opportunity to download additional responsibilities to municipal governments without providing sufficient funding to compensate for such additional responsibilities.

Year: 2004 Category: Finance Status: Withdrawn by Sponsor Resolution: Home Owner Grant Act

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities request that the Province amend the Home Owner Grant Act to increase the $525,000 limit in accordance with current assessed values or to explore alternatives to the current method of determining eligibility for the Home Owner Grant.

Year: 2004 Category: Finance Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Audit of The Gas Financial Contract and Account

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that AVICC request the BC Auditor General expedite a full audit of said account to ensure fairness to regional and BC taxpayers.

Year: 2004 Category: Finance Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Harmonization of PST On Film Production

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities request that the province harmonize the application of PST and treat film production as a manufactured product for PST purposes.

Year: 2004 Category: Justice Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Alternative Justice Program Funding Grants

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Lake Cowichan with the support of the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) and the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) call on the Province of British Columbia to mandate, implement and fund Alternative Justice Programs where existing community organizations exist, meeting Provincial criteria and standards; or where they may exist in the future.

Year: 2004 Category: Finance Status: NOT Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Policing Costs

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that any tax to be levied be negotiated by UBCM with the province of BC based on the following principles:

a) that any formula implemented to recover policing costs be based on the principle of fairness and equity, in which all regional districts are treated equally and contribute to policing by paying their share based upon the service provided and not through an ‘ability to pay’ formula; b) that any tax to be implemented by the province to cover policing costs be identified as a provincial policing cost tax and not a regional district tax for the purpose of collection; c) that community policing remain the responsibility of the province but that a formal mechanism be developed for local government, municipalities and electoral areas, to act in an advisory capacity of policing issues affecting local communities; and d) that approximately 30% of the Provincial Rural Tax levied on the Rural Property Tax Notice be acknowledged as part of any electoral area tax contribution for community policing in each regional district.

Year: 2004 Category: Assessment/Taxation Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Adjustment Of The Weighting Of Tax Rates

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province empower municipalities with the ability to adjust the weighting of the property tax mill rate between improvements and land according to the designations of urban or rural.

Year: 2004 Category: Environment Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Unconfined Aquifer Protection

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province, in enacting groundwater protection legislation, insure that the regulatory and operational requirements that apply to the commercial, industrial and development sectors be sufficiently prescriptive and effectively administered and enforced to protect the Province’s unconfined aquifers from contamination and that the province support local government efforts to protect aquifiers and their sources.

Year: 2004 Category: Environment Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Inclusion of Hogweed On Noxious Weed List

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities and the Union of BC Municipalities request the Province to designate giant hogweed as a noxious plant in the Weed Control Regulation or some other legislation of comparable stature, impose a duty on all land occupiers to control giant hogweed and enforce that duty using provincial, rather than local government resources.

Year: 2004 Category: Environment Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Bacillus Thuringleensis Kurstaki

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Provincial and Federal governments be encouraged to fund rigorous and comprehensive pre and post spraying inventory and monitoring programs to assess the affects of Bacillus thuringlensis kurstaki spraying on non-target species in Garry Oak ecosystems.

Year: 2004 Category: Environment Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Natural Shorelines: Recognition of Importance

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities and the Union of BC Municipalities request the provincial government to pay extra attention to emerging values and roles of natural marine riparian areas in helping protect our coastal communities and the ocean waters beside them;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that members of the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities and the Union of BC Municipalities, whenever possible, will promote the values of riparian buffers along their respective marine and freshwater shorelines through policies, bylaws and guidelines, as well as through public education and awareness, whether or not there are Development Permit Areas or Environmentally Sensitive Areas designated or established.

Year: 2004 Category: Environment Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Proposed Scott Islands Marine Protected Area

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities strongly recommend to Environment Canada that the current provincially protected status of Scott Islands remain as it is and that the Ministry conduct additional studies towards minimizing bird/human conflicts in the surrounding ocean.

Year: 2004 Category: Transportation Status: NOT Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Fixed Link To Vancouver Island

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the government of British Columbia spend these dollars now to build a fixed link to Vancouver Island in time for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games with other funding from matching federal dollars, private investors and utilizing ferry rates as a toll to finance construction and future maintenance.

Year: 2004 Category: Essential Service Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Essential Service

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Government of British Columbia designate ferry services as an essential service whereby: a) work stoppages are not allowed, as a condition of employment and; b) any labour disputes be settled by a process of mediation and arbitration.

Year: 2004 Category: Energy Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: BC Hydro Locates

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that BC Hydro re-instate the field locate service for buried underground hydro service.

Year: 2004 Category: Energy Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Increased Electricity Rates

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities object to BC Hydro’s proposed increase in electricity rates.

Year: 2004 Category: AVICC Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Election of Electoral Area Representative

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the voting process respecting Electoral Area Representative should be similar to the Union of BC Municipalities where only Electoral Area Directors vote on the ballot for the Electoral Area Representative.

Year: 2004 Category: AVICC Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Significant Projects Streamlining Act

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities urge the Union of BC Municipalities to establish a legal fund to assist local governments initiating legal challenges to Bill 75.

Year: 2004 Category: AVICC Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Bill 75 – Significant Projects Streamlining Act

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities recommend that the Union of BC Municipalities provide financial assistance for legal costs incurred by a local government initiating a legal challenge to an incident of the Province’s implementation of the Significant Projects Streamlining Act.

Year: 2004 Category: AVICC Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Wharf Liability Insurance

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the affected members of the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities who wish to secure liability insurance for the operation of their community wharves join together and apply for such insurance through the AVICC.

Year: 2004 Category: Selected Issues Status: Withdrawn by Sponsor Resolution: Canadian Education Sector in Asia

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities in conjunction with the Union of BC Municipalities petition the government of the Province of British Columbia to work with the Federal Government to jointly develop a National Strategy on Intermediate Education to more aggressively promote Canada as a study destination for international students;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the province work with the Federal Government to develop a certification program for education institutions to protect Canada’s integrity and reputation and to prevent immigration scams and abuses.

Year: 2004 Category: Selected Issues Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Parking Fees in Provincial Parks

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) and the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) strongly recommend that the Minister of Water, Land and Air Protection remove parking fees from provincial parks.

Year: 2004 Category: Selected Issues Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Ministry of Human Resources Fund Birthing Requirements

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Ministry of Human Resources rural offices, during the time of the birthing moratorium, assist clients with the needed funds for travel and accommodations and implement the removal of the life-threatening clause requirements.

Year: 2004 Category: Heritage Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Heritage

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities urge the BC government to maintain stewardship of heritage resources by investing the appropriate funding levels required to preserve, protect and enhance our heritage resources throughout British Columbia and on Vancouver Island.

Year: 2004 Category: BC Social Assistance Rules Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: BC Social Assistance Rules

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AVICC urge the BC government to rescind the laws imposing Income Assistance time limits and reducing benefits;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the AVICC urge the Union of BC Municipalities to also call on the BC government to rescind these regressive and punitive income Assistance rules on behalf of all communities in BC.

Year: 2004 Category: Community Schools Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Community Schools

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities urge the Provincial Government to restore funding levels to allow Community Schools to have the flexibility to provide services to the broader community.

Year: 2004 Category: Late Resolutions Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: BC Hydro Street Lighting Service

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AVICC request that BC Hydro provide a commitment to respond to the requests to repair streetlights within 21 calendar days of being so advised in writing.

Year: 2004 Category: Late Resolutions Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: West Nile Virus Strategy

THEREFORE the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities and the Union of BC Municipalities request that the provincial government provide financial compensation for 100% of the costs associated with controlling West Nile virus.

Year: 2004 Category: Late Resolutions Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Proposed Lifting Of Moratorium on Pacific Whiting (Hake) Joint Venture Ships Threaten On-Shore Processing In Coastal Communities

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AVICC support the retention of the moratorium on Joint Venture Vessels in BC and communicate a strong message to the Government of Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the BC Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food that effected communities must be fully consulted prior to any further decision regarding this fishery.

The AVICC acknowledges that we are grateful to live, work, and play on the traditional territories of the 
Coast Salish, Nuu-Chah-Nulth and Kwak-Waka’wakw Peoples