2008 Resolutions

Year: 2008 Category: Referred Resolutions Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Twine and Agricultural Plastics Recycling

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities provide information on the Agriculture Environment Partnership Initiative pilot and the issue of agricultural plastic and twine disposal to its member municipalities and regional districts;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Union of British Columbia Municipalities ask the provincial government to consider adding agricultural plastics and twine to the slate of product stewardship initiatives developed by the Ministry of Environment.

Year: 2008 Category: Referred Resolutions Status: NOT Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Non-Resident Corporate Vote

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the UBCM petition the provincial government to amend the Local Government Act to permit non-resident incorporated property owners the right to vote in local government elections.

Year: 2008 Category: Finance Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Municipal Fiscal Imbalance

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province and Federal governments take steps in their upcoming budgets to address the local government fiscal imbalance by developing a revenue sharing program with local governments and that these revenues be stable over time.

Year: 2008 Category: Finance Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Municipal Fiscal Imbalance

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities, the Union of BC Municipalities and the Federal of Canadian Municipalities be requested to lobby both the Province of BC and the Government of Canada to take steps in their upcoming budgets to address the Municipal Fiscal Imbalance by reinstating a revenue sharing program with local governments and that these revenues be stable over time.

Year: 2008 Category: Finance Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Municipal Fiscal Imbalance

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Provincial Government take steps in their upcoming budget to address the local government fiscal imbalance by reinstating a revenue sharing program with local governments and that these revenues be stable over time.

Year: 2008 Category: Finance Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: BC Resource Companies

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities request that the Province return a portion of monies collected in royalties and extraction, water royalties or stumpage fees to the affected local government.

Year: 2008 Category: Finance Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Sustainable Unconditional Funding

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) and the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) lobby the Federal and Provincial governments to help local governments address the social, environmental and economic inequities;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that both AVICC and UBCM work with senior government to establish sustainable unconditional funding for infrastructure repair and maintenance.

Year: 2008 Category: Finance Status: Referred to AVICC Executive Resolution: Consumption Based Taxation

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the local governments of British Columbia wish to re-open discussions with the Province regarding the use of consumption-based taxation as a revenue tool for local governments.

Year: 2008 Category: Finance Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Infrastructure Funding For Firehalls

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of BC and Government of Canada include seismic upgrading and construction of fire halls as eligible for funding in both current and future infrastructure grant programs.

Year: 2008 Category: Finance Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Reimbursement of Costs For Keeping of Provincial Prisoners

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) and the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) continue discussions with the Province to ensure that municipalities housing federal and provincial prisoners are reimbursed at a level that reflects actual costs.

Year: 2008 Category: Finance Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Gas Franchise Fees

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) and the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) urge the Provincial government to amend the Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline Act immediately in order to restore equal rights on this matter and provide fair and equal treatment for all local government taxpayers in British Columbia.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that AVICC appeal to the Auditor General to undertake a review to determine if the pipeline has been paid for.

Year: 2008 Category: Finance Status: NOT Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Elected Officials Remuneration

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) and the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) recommend that the Independent Commission to Review MLA Compensation be mandated to recommend a process for determining appropriate remuneration for local government elected officials.

Year: 2008 Category: Finance Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Funding For Film Commissions

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia be requested to provide annual core operating funding matching funds granted from municipal and regional governments.

Year: 2008 Category: Legislation Status: Not Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Term of Office

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Community request the Honourable Minister of Community Services and Minister Responsible for Seniors’ and Women’s Issues to introduce a change to the legislation to allow for annual municipal elections for half the Council for a two year term, in order:

1. To keep the interest of the public in this most democratic fashion. 2. To allow for continuity and avoid the possibility of a whole Council being defeated in one election. 3. To attract new Councillors who may be daunted by the length of a three-year term but who may be more willing to accept a two-year term. 4. To ensure the highest level of respect for this most important level of government.

Year: 2008 Category: Legislation Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Varying Tax Rates

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province amend Section 197 of the Community Charter to allow municipalities to have the flexibility of levying separate tax rates for each of land and improvements for each property class.

Year: 2008 Category: Legislation Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Additional Home Owner Grant

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities and the Union of BC Municipalities urge the Provincial Government to amend the Home Owner Grant Act to allow all senior property owners to claim the full additional Home Owner Grant.

Year: 2008 Category: Justice Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Police Records Information Management Environment (PRIME)

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities and the Union of BC Municipalities urge the Province of British Columbia to provide additional support resources to police forces in British Columbia for the operation of the PRIME system.

Year: 2008 Category: Justice Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Funding For Victim Services and Restorative Justice Programs

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of BC and Government of Canada provide additional and adequate funding to fully support Restorative Justice and Victim Services programs in BC.

Year: 2008 Category: Land Use Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Logging Practices On Private Forest Lands And Watershed Protection

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Community petition the Province of British Columbia to enact legislation requiring private managed forest lands to be regulated and managed to the same standards as crown managed forest lands.

Year: 2008 Category: Land Use Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Watershed Control

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities and the Union of BC Municipalities make a high priority to urge the Province to provide regional districts with greater authority to determine what activities take place in their watersheds.

Year: 2008 Category: Land Use Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Provincial Working Roundtable On Forestry

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the AVICC petition the provincial government to provide a Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities local government seat on the roundtable and all related discussions;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the AVICC refer this resolution to the Union of BC Municipalities Executive for their consideration of representation at the provincial level.

Year: 2008 Category: Land Use Status: Endorsed by AVICC


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province work with existing Community Forest License holders on renewal in a manner that meets the needs of the affected communities.

Year: 2008 Category: Transportation Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Road And Highway Maintenance

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Transportation be called upon to ensure that contracted highways road and bridge maintenance providers fulfill their contractual obligations through enhanced monitoring and audits of work performance of contractors conducted by the Ministry of Transportation;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ministry of Transportation provide regular accident reports for the service area, conduct comprehensive contractor performance assessments and report any findings semi-annually to key community stakeholders such as local governments, school boards, emergency community stakeholders such as local governments, school boards, emergency services, chambers of commerce and other relevant stakeholders in the service area;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities and the Union of BC Municipalities be called upon to adopt this resolution and urge the Ministry of Transportation to act on it as soon as possible.

Year: 2008 Category: Land Use Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Highway Maintenance

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities ask the Ministry of Transportation to ensure that there is adequate winter maintenance on Provincial highways.

Year: 2008 Category: Health Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Labelling Of Genetically Modified Food

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities and the Union of BC Municipalities request of the federal government that any food containing genetically modified organisms be labeled as such, including which ingredients are genetically modified organisms.

Year: 2008 Category: Health Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Warning Labels On Alcoholic Beverages

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Provincial Government require the following warning labels on all alcoholic beverages sold in British Columbia:

1. Women should avoid alcoholic beverages during pregnancy because of the risk of birth defects;

2. The consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs your ability to operate machinery and over consumption may cause health problems;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the warning labels contain graphic information similar to that shown on cigarette packages.

Year: 2008 Category: Health Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Training Spaces For Doctors And Other Medical Professionals

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities lobby the Minister of Health to substantially increase funding provided to universities and other medical training facilities so they can supply the larger number of graduates who will be required to rectify the increasingly critical shortage of medical personnel available to attend to the health care needs of BC residents.

Year: 2008 Category: Health Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Small Community Water and Sewer Systems

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities request that the Province develop and fund a program to educate and certify water and sewer system operators in small communities.

Year: 2008 Category: Environment Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Integrated Oceans Management Planning Process

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities urge the Government of Canada and the Government of British Columbia to immediately commit to increased engagement and collaboration in the integrated Oceans Management Planning Process for the Pacific Coast of Canada

Year: 2008 Category: Environment Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Implementation Of Integrated Oceans Management Under Canada’s Oceans Act

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities: 1. Urge the Government of Canada to move on its commitment under the Oceans Act to work with governments and interested parties to immediately develop an Integrated Oceans Management Planning Process for PNCIMA; 2. Urge the Government of British Columbia to engage in the collaborative process of Integrated Oceans Management Planning; 3. Request that the federal government engages local governments in the PNCIMA planning process; 4. Call for the continued allocation of funds to Integrated Oceans Management in the federal budget, including funds to support the engagement of municipalities; 5. Request that an Integrated Oceans Management Planning Process for PNCIMA be publicly announced before December 31, 2008.

Year: 2008 Category: Environment Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Transmission Lines Associated With IPP’s

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities strongly urge the Provincial Government, together with the BC Transmission Corporation and BC Hydro, to initiate a process which will require the pre-planning and coordination of IPP transmission line routes and capacities with the objective of having companies share this infrastructure in order to reduce its extent and to minimize its impact on other crown land resources and users.

Year: 2008 Category: Environment Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Non-Refillable 15L Pet Containers


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Environment be urged to ban 15 litre non-refillable water containers from use in British Columbia.

Year: 2008 Category: Selected Issues Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Pearl Lake Watershed

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government acts to preserve the Pearl Lake watershed and include it in Strathcona Provincial Park.

Year: 2008 Category: Selected Issues Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Deregulation Of Community Programming

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Canadian Radio Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) be informed as soon as possible that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities is not in favour of the proposal to deregulate community programming, but is in favour of the CRTC continuing to protect community programming by maintaining the current regulations which mandates that a community channel, if offered, be distributed as part of the basic cable service.

Year: 2008 Category: Selected Issues Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Community Based Mental Health Project

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities request the Ministries of Education, Health and Children and Family Development work together to fund the Community Based Mental Health Pilot Projects developed by the Capital Regional District Family Court and Youth Justice Committee.

Year: 2008 Category: Selected Issues Status: NOT Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Public Property Ownership

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial government be petitioned to transfer the ownership and operation of properties presently owned by the school districts to the local governments in which these are located;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the use of required properties for education facilities by the school districts be achieved by lease agreements between the local governments and the school districts so that the latter can concentrate on their mandate of providing excellent public education in the most cost effective and efficient manner.

Year: 2008 Category: Selected Issues Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Manufactured Home Parks

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province provide incentives to new and existing manufactured home park owners so that this form of affordable housing will attract new investment dollars and permit the upgrading of existing manufactured home park infrastructure.

Year: 2008 Category: Selected Issues Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) and the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) urge the Province to amend the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act in order to increase the compensation for displaced manufactured home park tenants.

Year: 2008 Category: Selected Issues Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Inclusion of BC Ferries In Ombudsman Mandate

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province be urged to include BC Ferry Services in the oversight provisions of the Ombudsman Act to allow an avenue for impartial investigations of complaints about the actions of the agency.

Year: 2008 Category: Late Resolutions Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Social Services

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the provincial and federal governments work with local governments to create a province-wide funding program to support affordable housing initiatives.

Year: 2008 Category: Late Resolution Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Tsolum River Partnership

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities supports the Tsolum River Partnership’s proposed remediation efforts to further prevent copper leachate from entering the Tsolum River.

Year: 2008 Category: Late Resolution Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: E & N Land Sales

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities requests as an urgent matter, that the Federal and Provincial Governments declare a moratorium on the sale and land transfer of all land currently zoned as Forest or Resource Land and a moratorium on development approvals within those forest lands within the original E&N land grant area, especially those in the CDFmm (Coastal Douglas-fir, moist maritime biogeoclimatic zone), so as to enable the federal and provincial lawmakers the opportunity to create appropriate legislation to enable the public to control and manage decisions within the private forest land areas within the E&N lands that ensure that all land use, especially where sensitive ecosystems are concerned, are orderly, sustainable, biologically defensible and that this legislation be made in the public interest so that the protection of community drinking water and wildlife corridors can be achieved through the acquisition of community drinking watersheds in these lands to fully protect the drinking water, air and livability of the region.

Year: 2008 Category: Late Resolution Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Environmental Product Stewardship

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities urge the Ministry of Environment to require producers to take responsibility for their product by setting up a comprehensive product stewardship program that includes all household batteries and services all communities of the Province.

Year: 2008 Category: Late Resolution Status: Endorsed by AVICC Resolution: Transportation

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities lobby all applicable BC Government Ministries to immediately provide BC Ferries with the resources necessary to procure an appropriate replacement vessel in order to ensure the continued provision of Route 40 Ferry Service to the Central Coast Region.

The AVICC acknowledges that we are grateful to live, work, and play on the traditional territories of the 
Coast Salish, Nuu-Chah-Nulth and Kwak-Waka’wakw Peoples