One of the primary functions of AVICC is as an advocacy organization for its members, and at the 2022 AVICC AGM & Convention, an Executive Resolution on advocacy was endorsed by membership, to clearly define the types of advocacy the Association would action on behalf of members. Past correspondences and advocacy activities can be found on our website.
The AVICC Executive would like to offer to support members who confirm Minister meetings at the UBCM Convention on issues relating to resolutions endorsed at the AVICC Convention. AVICC can attend any of your meetings to show regional support on these important topics. Members can email info@avicc.ca to invite an AVICC Executive representative to attend a meeting once it has been confirmed in late August.
At the June 14th Executive meeting, there was a conversation on advocacy planning for the term. The Executive considered the results of a survey completed by members throughout the month of April, as well as the resolutions endorsed at convention to determine our members’ advocacy priorities. Thank you to the 77 member representatives who participated in the survey, and to all of our members who submitted resolutions and participated in the process. There are many issues that impact our communities, and it was determined that AVICC, with our limited capacity, should focus on a couple of the issues that were deemed most important to our regional members.
Based on the survey and resolutions analysis, the priority issues for our members were housing, watershed security & land conservation, legislative reform, transportation issues, climate adaptation, and cultural safety for elected officials. Further research is underway on topics for two virtual education sessions to be hosted in the Fall and Winter, and the AVICC Executive will use the information to inform the sessions at the next convention.
AVICC has conveyed the endorsed regional resolution, R2 – Conservation of Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region (MABR). A Minister meeting at the UBCM Convention has been requested with the Minister of Water, Land, and Resource Stewardship to discuss R2, and on other land conservation and watershed security issues. The conveyance communications are below:
- The June 2024 letter to Minister Cullen conveyance of R2.
- The Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship’s January 2025 Response
AVICC has also requested a meeting with the Minister of Municipal Affairs to discuss how we can best support the advancement of the Legislative Reform Initiative, and to request advice on how to most effectively advocate on behalf of AVICC members on their priority issues. All other endorsed resolutions have been forwarded to UBCM for consideration at their convention in September.
On behalf of the AVICC Executive, thank you for your commitment to our communities, and to advancing the principles of local government in the region. We are looking forward to seeing many of our members at UBCM, and to celebrating at the AVICC Luncheon on September 18th at the UBCM Convention!