July 2020
1. AVICC Virtual AGM September 22, 2020
AVICC will be holding a virtual AGM on Tuesday, September 22nd from 4:30 to 5:30 pm in conjunction with the UBCM Convention. Members that wish to attend can select the AVICC AGM as an option when registering for the UBCM Convention, and there is no additional fee to register for the AVICC AGM. Registration for UBCM opens on July 6th. Information on matters to be discussed at the AGM will be sent to members in early September.
2. Virtual Elections, Nominations for AVICC Executive Reopened
Since this year’s AGM will be held as a virtual event, there will be a few changes in the nominations and elections procedures:
• There will be NO nominations from the floor during the virtual AGM.
• The nomination period has been reopened until July 22nd to allow an opportunity for additional nominees. Those members who previously sent in their nomination papers will not have to resubmit, and are still considered current candidates. An updated nomination form is attached and is also available on the AVICC website at Nominations.
• Candidates will have the opportunity to pre-record candidate speeches that will be made available to members to view before the AGM.
• Voting for candidates will take place by electronic vote during the AGM, rather than by paper ballot.
3. New Resolutions Process at UBCM Convention
On June 30th UBCM sent out information on their new resolutions process at their virtual Convention in September. Members can read about the resolutions process on the UBCM website at Resolutions. The resolutions AVICC members sent in for the original April AVICC Convention that were received by the February 6th deadline were submitted to UBCM for inclusion in its resolution process.
4. UBCM Excellence Awards – Upcoming Deadline July 10th
The deadline to apply for UBCM’s 2020 Community Excellence Awards is coming up soon on July 10th. Applicants are encouraged to include any COVID-19 pandemic response actions and/or activities in their applications.
The program guide with the award categories and the application form are available on the UBCM website at 2020 Community Excellence Awards.
Contact Information
AVICC staff are currently working remotely so there may be delays in responding to voice mails left on the AVICC phone number. The best way to contact AVICC is by email. Regular mail can still be sent to AVICC care of:
Local Government House
525 Government Street
Victoria, BC, V8V 0A8
(250) 356-5122