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Final Program

Program for 63rd Annual AGM & Convention

April 13-15, 2012       Ucluelet, BC

Brief Program Overview
Friday Pre-Conference Program:  10:30 am
Official Opening:  2:00 pm
Welcome Reception:  5:30-7:30 pm
Saturday Business Session:  8:30 am – Noon
Delegates Lunch:  Noon – 1:15 pm
Afternoon Workshops:  1:15 – 4:00 pm
Annual Banquet and Reception:  6:00 – 10:30  pm
Sunday Business Session:  8:30 am – Noon

Building on successes of past years, the program integrated the regular business of the annual general meeting, debate on resolutions and holding of elections with a variety of presentations and workshops on topical issues, addresses by key political speakers and networking opportunities.

Keynote Speaker – Dr. Kate Moran

Dr. Moran will present NEPTUNE Canada, an 800 km long, regional cabled ocean network that spans the northern Juan de Fuca tectonic plate offshore Vancouver Island. She will describe this technically advanced system, which provides continuous power and high bandwidth for enabling the collection of real-time physical, chemical, geological, and biological oceanographic data at resolutions relevant for furthering our understanding of the dynamics of the earth-ocean system. Examples of applications of NEPTUNE data will be highlighted, including understanding fish and marine mammals, monitoring the venting of seafloor methane hydrate, studying life in extreme environments, and understanding earthquakes and tsunamis.

Biographical Information:  Dr. Kate Moran joined NEPTUNE Canada as Director in September 2011. NEPTUNE Canada is the world’s first regional-scale cabled observatory network, located off the west coast of Vancouver Island. Dr. Moran was previously Assistant Director in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in Washington, DC.

Dr. Kate Moran joined NEPTUNE Canada as Director in September 2011. NEPTUNE Canada is the world’s first regional-scale cabled observatory network and is located off the west coast of Vancouver Island.

Formerly Dr. Moran served a two-year term as an assistant director in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in Washington, DC where she advised the Obama administration on the oceans, the Arctic and global warming.  Dr. Moran has led several major oceanographic expeditions, including the first drilling expedition to the Arctic Ocean in 2004. The following year she led the first expedition to find the source of the earthquake that caused the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. She has also made major contributions to the assessment of hazards in Canada’s offshore regions.

Holding degrees in marine science and engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Rhode Island and Dalhousie University, Dr. Moran’s research focuses on marine geotechnics and its application to the study of paleoceanography, tectonics and seafloor stability. She has authored more than 45 publications.

Other Presentations (some descriptions yet to be provided)

Island Corridor Foundation Update – The current situation regarding Phase I infrastructure investment, rail services and trail development will be updated as well as job training and employment plans for First Nation communities.  Phase II initiatives concerning expanded passenger and freight services will be laid out explaining the opportunities and challenges.

Presenter:   Graham Bruce, Chief Operating Officer

Island Corridor Foundation Rail Corridor Land-use Planning Initiative – The ICF has embarked on a comprehensive land use planning initiative for the rail corridor lands including coordination with regional transportation plans and official community and zoning plans. Chris Hall will set out the scope, method and the interaction process with respective planning departments.

Facilitators:  Chris Hall (Planning Consultant) Graham Bruce (Chief Operating Officer)

Green Jobs, Affordable Housing, and Energy Conservation – Is your Local Government interested in green jobs, affordable housing issues or climate change?  These are some of the reasons why local governments have been working with BC Hydro on energy conservation projects.  Come and hear about the partnership projects we’ve been working on over the past year, and our funding offers for 2012.

Presenter:  Robyn Wark is Team Lead for BC Hydro’s Sustainable Communities Group

Implementation of the Maa-nulth Treaty within the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District
On April 1, 2012 the Letters Patent of the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District will be amended to include the Huu-ay-aht First Nations and Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ First Nation as members of the Board of Directors of the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District.  The Toquaht First Nation and Uchucklesit First Nation, remain as observers and may join the Board next.  This may be one of the most dramatic changes to the structure of a Regional District.  To assist in the process a service review has been prepared for the First Nations to determine what regional district services they will participate in.  Representatives of the Regional District and the First Nations will describe the process as well as the opportunities and challenges.

Agricultural Land Commission Presentation – After 40 years the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) continues to be looked upon as a solid foundation for the business of agriculture in BC. In August  2010 a review of the Agricultural Land Commission operations, policy, regulation, and legislation was undertaken by the Chair at the request from the Minister of Agriculture and Lands.  In response, the provincial government, in November 2011, announced several measures aimed at improving the operations of the ALC.  These measures include:

  • Legislative change that helps preserve farmland by placing a five-year moratorium on repeat applications for matters such as excluding land from the ALR.
  • Transitional funding through 2013 to assist the Commission in becoming more self-supporting.  Legislative changes now allow the ALC to charge service fees to augment provincial funding.
  • Increased enforcement capacity through shared resources. This provides an opportunity to establish working arrangements with local government to assist the ALC in enforcement matters.
  • Strategic governance provisions that give the chair additional oversight over regional panels and more time to focus on commission matters by hiring a CEO to look after administrative issues.
  • Upgraded online application tracking system to provide enhanced web services to clients.
  • Encouraging farming by working more proactively with local governments on long term land use planning rather than simply reacting to applications.
  • A new minister’s bylaw standard regarding residential uses in the ALR.

Mr. Bullock looks forward to sharing the ALC’s vision for moving forward and to the opportunity to have a dialogue with the Association of Vancouver Island Municipalities and Coastal Communities about the ALC’s direction and to discuss ideas for collaboration.

Presenter:  Richard Bullock, Chair, Agricultural Land Commission

FortisBC Presentation
Municipal Insurance Association Presentation – Mayor Teunis Westbroek, Qualicum Beach, MIA Board Chair

Saturday Concurrent Workshop Sessions

British Columbia Aquaculture Regulatory Program –  This workshop will provide an update on the British Columbia Aquaculture Regulatory Program’s (BCARP) implementation, as well as engage AVICC participants in a forward-looking discussion regarding DFO’s Aquaculture Management Framework and the role of Vancouver Island’s municipalities.  Key elements of the Aquaculture Management Framework will be presented to provide participants with the opportunity to explore how regional districts can effectively engage with Fisheries and Oceans Canada and other partners  in the management of the aquaculture industry on Vancouver Island.

Facilitators:  Corey Jackson, Regional Manager of Aquaculture Programs and Kamaljeet Guram, Senior Engagement Officer, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Shared Jurisdictional Roles for Managing Aquaculture – A short summary of the changes to Provincial authority for managing aquaculture post the Supreme Court Decision of 2009 (Hinkson) and an open dialogue with delegates to explore the potential to collaborate on a pilot project to harmonize local government and Provincial approval processes related to the aquaculture industry.

Presenters:  Sean Herbert, Director, Provincial Program Delivery and Kathy Evans, Area Manager, Regional Operations Division, both with the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

Role Of Local Governments During Oil Spill Response
 – Islands Trust Council Chair Sheila Malcolmson will introduce the session followed by Graham Knox of the provincial Environmental Emergency Program who will provide an overview of: roles and responsibilities during oil spill incident responses; the differences in response management between natural disaster incidents and oil spills where a responsible party (spiller) is required to manage the incident; how local governments can participate and engage in the oil spill response; and provincial proposals for improving spill prevention, preparedness, response and recovery in the province.

Presenter(s): Sheila Malcolmson, Chair, Islands Trust Council; Graham Knox, Manager, Environmental Emergency Program, BC Ministry of Environment

BC Jobs Plan Update – In follow-up to the presentation to the 2011 UBCM Convention delegates which followed the launch of the Jobs Plan, senior staff from the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation will update AVICC delegates on the progress of the BC Jobs Plan, community involvement to date on Jobs Plan initiatives and the opportunities for future engagement.

Presenter:  Greg Goodwin, Executive Director, Economic Development Division, Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation.

Coastal Communities Network Update  –  In 1993, the Coastal Community Network was constructed as a tool for Regional Districts and Tribal Councils to work together across jurisdictional and cultural boundaries.  March 27 & 28, 2012 has been set aside for CCN to hold a business meeting to discuss the prospects of changing the business format in order to work for the 14 Regional Districts that comprise its membership.  This session will report out on the results of that process.

Presenters:  Tony Bennett, Co-Chair, Coastal Community Network & Electoral Area Director ACRD; Patrick Marshall, Economic Developer,

The AVICC acknowledges that we are grateful to live, work, and play on the traditional territories of the 
Coast Salish, Nuu-Chah-Nulth and Kwak-Waka’wakw Peoples